Economic and Affordable Wholesale Disposable Chopsticks
Economic and Affordable Wholesale Disposable Chopsticks Using disposable chopsticks is an environment-friendly as well as the cost-saving measure for restaurants and foodservice stations. They cut costs and also add a lot of convenience to your food service activities. These versatile sticks are indispensable for Asian, Chinese or Japanese restaurants. They are ideal for use in parties, picnics, and barbeques. Premium Quality and Low Price Disposable models of Chinese chopsticks include those made of bamboo and wood. Most restaurants prefer bamboo chopsticks over the wooden variety due to their durability and strength. Varying in length from 8 to 10 inches, popular models of Chinese style bamboo disposable chopsticks come individually wrapped in a red paper sleeve, the white paper sleeve as well as convenient cartons. The back of the sleeves carries an easy to follow, a